After earth movie poster
After earth movie poster

after earth movie poster

There are many different directions to take this fantastical concept, and it’s the sort of story we’ve seen played with for decades now. I will say that some of the visuals were good but certainly not good enough to sit through this thing.The Last Man on Earth, now in its second season on Fox, and the lonely premise is a fairly unusual one to transplant onto a television show, let alone a comedy. It also doesn't help that the screenplay is full of cliché moments as well as being 100% predictable. Still, Shyamalan didn't improve the film any as there's really no drama, no suspense and no tension. The first couple films he did were just embarrassing but no one has given him the word that he can't act and apparently no one has seen fit to get him into classes so it's really just getting worse. Where Will deserves a lot of blame is getting his son these type of roles, which he can't do and which will eventually make him one of the most laughable actors in Hollywood history. Although I liked his more quiet, laid back style, it just doesn't work considering the screenplay has him sitting around simply talking to the kid. The fact that he can't act to save his life really kills every emotion that the film goes for and it turns these scenes into something rather laughable. I'm sorry but he's just not got a talented bone in his body and he certainly can't show any type of emotion, which is something the story here called for.

after earth movie poster

I seem to say this after each of his films but it's clear young Jaden has yet to take an acting class and just keeps getting passes because of his dad. The incredibly bad screenplay also deserves a lot of the blame but so do the Smith boys. Part of the blame can go towards the director but his handful of haters can't put everything on him. AFTER EARTH is without question one of the worst sci-fi summer blockbusters ever made. With daddy's legs broke, the young kid must go out into the scary landscape to retrieve an item that will allow them to make contact with their own world. In the film, the father and son crash land on the planet Earth a thousand years after the people were forced to leave it. Night Shyamalan's big-budget vanity project for father and son team Will and Jaden Smith turns out to be much worse than the trailer.

After earth movie poster